News & Insights – Proformex

The Power of Proformex

Written by Admin | Jan 3, 2020 5:06:33 PM

Technology is transforming our world. That's why we built our inforce policy management platform - to change the way life insurance policies are managed and sold. Our platform closes the pre-sale and post-sale loop. See the power of Proformex for yourself in the video below!


Technology that transcends an entire industry is extremely rare because it requires integration into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers.

In the insurance industry, digital transformation has been largely focused on automating pre-sales activities such as quoting, underwriting, and commission tracking to make these processes more efficient and effective.  While this has brought positive change, its impact stops once a policy is sold.  With the life cycles of typical insurance policies lasting decades, there is an industry-wide void that needs to be filled.

The Power of Proformex transcends the entire life insurance industry by providing a carrier agnostic platform for inforce policy monitoring and closes the loop between pre and post-sale activities. 

To learn how Proformex uses technology to transform inforce management into something significantly better for Carriers, IMOs, BGAs, Agencies, Financial Institutions, Agents and Advisors, Trustees, Policy Owners and Policy Beneficiaries, visit our website.