News & Insights – Proformex

How Technology is Changing Policy Owner Expectations

Written by Admin | Apr 12, 2019 10:18:00 AM

Thanks to the advancement of technology, consumers have increased expectations for the products and service providers they use. This is no different for life insurance clients. They expect that when they purchase a policy, that policy will continue to meet their needs throughout the life of the contract and perform as expected, and it's up to you as the service provider to ensure that happens. See how automating policy performance monitoring through Proformex can help. 




It’s no secret that technology is changing the nature of relationships between life insurance agents and their policyowners.

Modern day policyowners want to have an experience that is both quick and effortless. And if they don’t get what they want, they will surely let others know. Satisfied policyowners are 60 percent more likely to recommend your services. Meanwhile, dissatisfied policyowners are 70 percent more likely to share their negative experience.

As the agent’s role becomes more relationship-based, policyowners expect customer-facing technology and analytical tools that offer a better overall client experience.

Improving your policyowner experiences through automation and technology will generate repeat business and new customers as well as differentiate you from your competitors.

Proformex is an inforce policy monitoring and management platform specifically designed to deliver a world-class policyowner experience while reducing administrative costs and freeing up time. 

To learn more about how Proformex can help innovate your practice, visit our website.