News & Insights – Proformex

Proformex Pioneer - Gonzalo M. Garcia, CLU

Written by Admin | Jan 14, 2020 5:19:11 PM

Introducing the Proformex Pioneer award! This monthly initiative was developed to recognize the industry’s best and brightest. We want to shine a spotlight on the experts that keep the life insurance world moving forward and thank them for all their hard work.

Our first recipient is our friend Gonzalo M. Garcia, CLU. We had the opportunity to ask Gonzalo a few “get to know you” questions and wanted to share his answers below, because he offered some really good advice from book recommendations to remembering to be mindful and intentional every day.

How long have you been in your field? 

GG: I started in the insurance business during the summer between Sophomore and Junior year of college, in San Juan, Puerto Rico at an agency supporting career agents for a mutual company in 1982.  It has been a fun ride for the last 37+ years.

Why did you choose life insurance?

GG: Like most people in our industry, I came upon it quite by accident – as a summer job because I needed some spending money for the summer. I enjoyed the fact that I had to know enough about finance, taxes, accounting and most importantly, about people and what makes them tick – truly multidisciplinary, so I decided to stick with it.  I love what this business is about and how we are able to help families and businesses in moments of true financial need

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

GG: Being a father and a husband for 30 years and still being incredibly happy in that role.

What’s one piece of advice you wish you had when you started?

GG: I wish someone had advised me to be intentional about breathing on a regular basis throughout the day – it would have made my younger days in this profession a lot easier.

What is your favorite book or podcast?

GG: Favorite book …. It would be Good to Great by Jim Collins.  I have read it multiple times, it is underlined, highlighted and tabbed with yellow stickies.

What’s one thing in your day that you can’t live without?

GG: Gratitude or a small piece of dark chocolate …. Not sure which is more important 😊

And finally, what is currently the number one item on your bucket list?

GG: There are so many things, but I think that the one that I would anticipate with the most excitement would be meeting my first grandchild.

Thank you so much to Gonzalo for taking the time to share with us. We appreciate all that you do for the life insurance industry and will continue to look to you as a leader in the space as it continues to evolve!